Chilli bundle 3

75 % of 100
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*NOTE:- Rs. 99/- is for pre-booking your super saver pack only and this amount will be adjusted on the purchase of the super saver pack.

S. No.





Dost super (UPL)

600-700 ml/acre

700 ml


Starthene (SWAL)

500 g/acre

500 grams


Pegasus (Syngenta)

200 g/acre

250 grams


Omite (Dhanuka)

300-400 ml/acre

500 ml


Delegate (Dow)

180 ml/acre

180 ml


Avtar (Indofil)

500 g/acre



Isabion (Syngenta)

400 ml/acre




100 g/acre

100 GR


Dost Super (UPL)

  • Technical: Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS
  • Dosage: 600 - 700 ml/acre
  • Control against: Annual grass and broadleaf weeds
  • Time of application: 5 - 15 days before transplanting in the main field
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Soyabean, Cotton, Onion.

Starthene (SWAL)

  • Technical: Acephate 75 % SP
  • Time of application: 15 - 20 Days after transplanting
  • Control against: Aphids, Jassids, Mealybug, Shoot, and fruit borer, Leaf folder
  • Dosage: 500 grams/acre
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Cotton, Paddy, Sugarcane, Vegetables, and fruits.

Pegasus (Syngenta)

  • Technical: Diafenthiuron 50% W
  • Dosage: 200 grams/acre
  • Control against: Whiteflies, Mites
  • Time of application: 21 - 40 Days after transplanting
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Brinjal, Cotton, and other vegetables

Omite (Dhanuka)

  • Technical: Propargite 57% EC
  • Dosage: 400 ml/acre
  • Control against Two Spotted Spider Mite, Red Mite, Pink Mite, Purple Mite, Scarlet Mite
  • Time of application: 41 - 50 Days after transplanting
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Brinjal, Apple, Tea.

Delegate (Dow)

  • Technical: Spinetoram 11.7% SC
  • Dosage:180 ml/acre
  • Control against Sucking and lepidopteran pest complex
  • Time of application: 45 - 60 Days after transplanting
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Cotton, Soybean, Maize, Fruits, and vegetables.

Avtar (Indofil)

  • Technical: Zineb 68% + Hexaconazole 4%
  • Dosage: 500 grams/acre
  • Control against Dieback, Anthracnose, Leaf spots, blight
  • Time of application: 45 - 60 Days after transplanting
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Cotton, Vegetables, and Fruits

Isabion (Syngenta)

  • Technical: Amino acid and nutrient-based biostimulant
  • Dosage: 400 ml/acre
  • Control against: Weak plant system and enhances crop performance (growth, vigor, yield, quality). 
  • Time of application: 50 - 80 Days after transplanting
  • Spectrum: All crops

EM-1 (Dhanuka)

  • Technical: Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG
  • Dosage:100 grams/acre
  • Control against Gram caterpillar/Fruit borers
  • Time of application: 81 - 100 Days after transplanting
  • Spectrum: Chilli, Cotton, Soybean, Pulses, Fruits, and Vegetables
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